Wednesday 12th March – 2pm-3pm – Online

About this Session:
The Movement Fund offers up to £15k for organisations offering sport or physical activity to help get more people more active. This webinar will outline the Movement Fund, including who can apply, what can be applied for & how to give yourself the best chance of applying successfully. Northamptonshire Sport will also examine how Sport England prioritises projects and the groups of people they are keen to activate.
This webinar is open to any organisation in Northamptonshire who wish or may wish to, apply to the Movement Fund. They will provide guidance on the governance required for larger projects, advice on crowdfunding and a Q&A session to finish.

About the Presenter: Alex Mitchell
Alex is Strategic Lead (Funding & Enterprise) at Northamptonshire Sport. Alex’s role at Northamptonshire Sport is to increase the amount of funding entering the sport & physical activity sector locally.
He is an experienced funding writer, having done so for over 10 years & have been helping local organisations with applications for the last 5 years. He has helped to secure funding from a wide range of providers for many different projects, including via crowdfunders, sponsorship offerings & grants.